Case Study

How Jones Road Beauty perfected its creative testing formula with Motion

"Motion makes it easy to analyze creative performance in a way everybody can understand and get excited about — and the cross-team efficiency gains have been nothing short of incredible." ­– Cody Plofker, Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer at Jones Road Beauty


Jones Road Beauty is a renowned cosmetics label founded by iconic makeup artist Bobbi Brown and dedicated to providing women with better beauty products. Featured in Good Morning America, Fast Company, and InStyle, Jones Road Beauty represents a lifetime of beauty knowledge distilled into one forward-thinking brand.


Jones Road Beauty wanted actionable creative insights without sifting through endless spreadsheets

Social media marketing is the lifeblood of Jones Road Beauty's growth strategy and has catapulted the brand to over $100M in annual sales.

Cody Plofker, Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer at Jones Road Beauty, knew his manual creative reporting workflow needed an overhaul.

With only a single analyst on their team, analyzing creative performance with spreadsheets was time-consuming. Manual reporting processes also led to inaccurate findings and caused unnecessary friction between media buyers and creatives.

Jones Road Beauty needed a creative analytics solution that would accomplish three things:

  • Reduce the manual work of creative reporting
  • Deliver granular performance insights that everyone can understand
  • Bring growth and creative teams closer together

While browsing Twitter, Cody discovered Motion and knew he'd found the ideal solution to Jones Road Beauty's dilemma.

"Any DTC brand, regardless of size, knows how important creative testing is to the success of their paid marketing efforts. Motion condenses our entire creative testing workflow into a few clicks, and for our team, that's priceless."


Motion helped Cody transform Jones Road Beauty's creative reporting workflow into a profitable and scalable process. He attributes this success to three core benefits of our platform:

Benefit #1: Understanding which creative formats drive engagement

To analyze the performance of static ads against video content, Cody ran a Comparative Analysis report in Motion. In mere minutes, he had a highly visual and easy-to-understand report for Jones Road's ad performance across both formats.

This revealed two untapped growth opportunities: static ads and UGC. Despite Jones Road Beauty's laser focus on video ads, still images were performing exceptionally well. The same analysis revealed that UGC was one of Jones Road Beauty's strongest growth levers, a critical insight that was previously reported inaccurately due to human error.

"Manually reporting on creative performance is a dangerous game," Cody explains. "Critical insights can easily be missed or misreported, which can quickly lead your brand away from the path to better ad performance."

Benefit #2: Streamlining creative testing for major promotion periods

With major promotion events on the horizon — most notably BFCM — Jones Road Beauty needed to hone in on its ad strategy before the rush. To do this, Cody used Motion to diversify Jones Road Beauty's ad content, testing everything from user-generated unboxing videos to text-based ads.

"We rely on the holidays leading into BFCM as crucial testing events," Cody explains. "This is our opportunity to identify which ads, offers, and creatives are resonating with our customers so we can capitalize on the most important promotion dates of the year."

Using Memorial Day as a litmus test, Cody ran a Top-Performing Creatives report in Motion. He found that video content slightly outperformed static ads — an unusual result during major promotion events. Based on this insight, Cody's team refined its ad strategy well in advance of the peak season, which improved ROAS for its campaigns.

Benefit #3: Building a scalable creative reporting workflow

Having spent months sifting through mountains of data to uncover only surface-level insights, Cody's media buyers and creatives were more than eager to get started with Motion. And their excitement hasn't waned.

Today, the platform has become a core pillar in Jones Road Beauty's creative reporting workflow.

Every Monday, media buyers will generate two reports in Motion: Top-Performing Creatives and Comparative Analysis. These reports show which ads are driving results and help them decide how spend should be allocated across products. They also use Launch Analysis to keep a pulse on recently shipped ads and centralize historical learnings.

With granular creative insights at their fingertips, cross-team efficiency and camaraderie have soared, laying the foundation for Jones Road Beauty to keep scaling its paid marketing strategy.

"Motion continues to point our teams in the right direction when it comes to creative iteration and testing. With it, we can extract the maximum value from every dollar of ad spend."


Jones Road Beauty's new reporting workflow bridges the gap between media buyers and creatives

With Motion, Jones Road Beauty simplified its testing and reporting workflows. And helped their creative teams get closer to performance data, saving an average of 10+ hours a week in manual analysis.

"Motion was the missing link in helping our media buyers and creatives see eye-to-eye on ad performance. The platform has been a crucial element in our creative reporting workflow since day one."

To see what your Motion can do for your business, speak to our in-house creative strategy experts today.

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