
Now, collaborate with your team on Motion

My grandad reminds me of one thing everytime I speak to him: "Nose to the grindstone, Elliott".

That is how things have been here with the Motion team over the last couple months. We've been hard at work on a huge feature: multi-user collaboration in Motion. And today, it's live in the platform.

I couldn't be more excited for you to experience it. Here's some bullets on what you can expect:

Meet Workspaces 👋

Workspaces is the new home for your organization. Your workspace contains any number of ad accounts and reports that you build, and you can add your teammates to your workspace to collaborate with them on it. Work with multiple teams? You can have as many workspaces as you like to keep your ad accounts separate from one team to the next.

Share Motion with the rest of your team 👏

You can now collaborate on your Motion workspace with different members of your team. Simply slap that "Add New Members" button, and you can share your well-thought-out reports with those who should be seeing it. (Note - for privacy concerns, your Workspace Members will need access to the ad account on Facebook to view it in Motion.)

We have different permissions levels (Admin, Collaborator, and Guest) with varying capabilities, so you can make sure that overzealous team member can do just the right amount on your reports (and nothing more).

We got a facelift 💄

We were in such a rush when building Motion that we created our UI on the fly. Overtime, things started to compound into an inconsistent visual experience. That no more, with the great work from our talented UI expert Hossein, who helped us build a design system that you'll see for the first time today.

The design system also means that we should be faster than ever at pushing out new features. We're sharing what's cooking in our Product Portal, which you can also use to submit ideas on what we should build next. Check it out!

Looking forward to you exploring the newest Motion today. It is our first major release towards making this tool the collaborative analytics software we want it to be, and we couldn't be more excited to share this stop on the journey with you.

Get a tour of Motion’s creative analytics platform. We’ll even build free sample reports for you using live data from your TikTok, Meta, and YouTube ad accounts.

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Elliott Brand
Product Marketing, Motion

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